You pick a diet plan & cross your fingers!

Dr. Anthony Infantino
4 min readApr 26, 2021

Here’s Why You’re So Frustrated Trying to Lose the weight….

The Old Way…

You pick a diet plan, cross your fingers and pray it works. You count points, eat pre-packaged meals, try to exercise more and eat less. When that doesn’t work switch to Keto, paleo or intermittent fasting… No results? Try HCG, Phentermine, liposuction or freeze your fat out. Still no real lasting results? Have bypass surgery…. Because that has to work right? Not really, at least not for the majority of people I see everyday…

Sure you might lose some weight, But then you just look at food and gain it all back! Why?

Well if this is you, your problem isn’t what you’re doing- because let’s face it people have lost weight and kept it off using any of those programs. Your problem may very likely lie internally.

Everyday people come to me desperate to get some weight off. They’ve tried almost everything. They bring me food journals, exercise logs, and I can honestly say they’re not doing anything wrong! They are so frustrated!

So why can’t they lose the weight and keep it off?

What they’re doing isn’t wrong, it’s the body they’re doing it to that is!

If you tried everything to lose weight, particularly things you’ve done in the past that worked and now all of a sudden they’re not, you might be tempted to blame it on getting older. In my experience that’s rarely if ever the problem. Just turn on the TV, you’ll see people from the Middle East and Far East in their 80s all seem to be about their ideal weight. So we really can’t blame this on age.

In my experience the problem usually boils down to the body being out of balance internally. When this happens fat storage hormones become dominant. This can be caused by a gut that’s a bit out of balance (think bloated, constipated reflux IBS), a liver that’s overwhelmed, cycles of diets over the years, stress, environmental toxins (which compete with hormones and cause our bodies to hold fat) All of these can cause dominant fat storage hormones.

The key is figuring out which ones holding you back.

You see when you try to eat well and get some exercise fat burning hormones do go up. The problem is they have to get higher than fat storage hormones for anything to happen. I hope that makes sense.

Most people try to lose weight by working harder and harder to burn fat but if you’re fat storage hormones are dominant, that can be very demoralizing to say the least.

If that’s been the case I would suggest looking into restoring balance to make sure your body isn’t in fat storage mode. Start by making sure your gut, liver, lymphatic system are all working properly.

Wondering if your body is out of balance?

In addition to difficult weight loss, signs of a body out of balance can include: cellulite, bloating, reflux, constipation, fatigue, poor sleep, hormonal issues (thyroid adrenal), cravings, autoimmune diseases, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, gallbladder problems… The list goes on…

But here’s the great news! You don’t have to treat each one of these separately. They are all symptoms of the same problem! Simply restore balance and miraculously they can all improve or be eliminated completely!

The New (and only) Way

1st, you’ve been lied to! Told that if you just eat less and exercise more you’ll lose weight and become healthy. Not only is this backwards, (you have to become healthy first to lose weight) but rarely does diet and exercise alone address the source of the problem. now when I say this you’re going to say duh! but the real key to sustained weight loss is getting healthy AKA restoring internal balance. I don’t have enough space here to go into all the details just visit PlatinumWellness.Net and download my free ebook which explains the specifics on how to reboot and heal internally.

Need a little extra help? We customize short effective programs targeting the cause of your weight gain. We focus on healing the gut, cleansing the liver, detoxifying the body, increasing fat burning and decreased fat storing hormones naturally.

I call it the Inside Out weight loss plan!

We use…

-100% organic supplements

-24–7 coaching and accountability

-Step-by-step manual with hundreds of amazing recipes

-Therapies to burn fat, reboot your metabolism and cleanse your body!

-Far infrared sauna, whole body vibration, EWOT, Lipo-laser

Questions? Just email me at anytime! I’d be happy to help.

If you’d like to schedule a consultation just call 602–866–8100



Dr. Anthony Infantino

Dr. Infantino graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, IA in 1992, w/ post-graduate education in functional medicine and clinical nutrition.