The Real Reason You Can’t Lose Weight AND Keep It Off

Dr. Anthony Infantino
6 min readApr 14, 2021

How would you like to lose 10, 20 even 50 or more pounds and look and feel better than you have in years?

How about having the energy to keep up with your kids or grandkids and say goodbye to those prescriptions medications without roller coaster diets and constant effort?

If you’re like most people I see at my clinic Platinum Wellness, you answered yes to that question. Unfortunately very few people have the correct formula to lose the weight and keep it off.

While they might lose some weight with the latest diet, they end up gaining more back the second they stop.

They try diet after diet, pill after pill, plan after plan, and then cross their fingers and hope and pray that this time will work better than the last. The average woman diets 28 years of her life… OMG!

This is because they haven’t gotten to the actual cause of their weight gain.

Weight gain for most people I see is a symptom of a body out of balance, it’s not the actual problem.

This is why most people diet constantly and really get no lasting result.

For the past 25 years I have helped thousands of people of all ages truly transform not just their bodies but their health and ultimately their lives by getting to the source of their problem. Please understand I don’t say this braggingly, (I’m not a super genius) but a while back I was desperate and “desperate times called for desperate measures.

My Journey

My journey began years ago as I watched my grandmother succumb to a combination of illnesses including diabetes, heart disease and more, over a ten-year period.

My only real memory of my grandmother is a blue wheelchair with two white bandaged up stumps where legs used to be mainly from the side effects of diabetes.

Like so many others, It started slowly at first…

Over the years she gained some weight so she started dieting, then tried some weight-loss medications, then came meds for reflux, then one for high blood pressure, then another and another… It was heartbreaking.

I watched her transform from this vibrant. energetic little old Italian lady (picture someone talking with mostly their hands

to well, you get the idea.

I remember thinking there has to be something we could do?

Then things went from bad to worse as I watched my mom heading down the same path- gaining weight, fatigued and not knowing where to turn.

She tried eating well, exercising… virtually everything, but no results!!

It was crazy! She was eating less than most of her friends but weighed more and was unhealthier!

It seemed like the harder she tried to lose weight the more she gained and the worse she felt.

Ultimately it wouldn’t matter what she tried or how much she exercised, the weight wouldn’t come off, and even if some finally did it wouldn’t stay off for long…

It was a constant struggle… Maybe you can relate?

I was not going to watch my mom suffer the same fate. I was determined to figure this out.

I mean how could two people eat the same food and one gains weight while the other loses?

Why are some people constantly struggling to lose weight, while others seem to have figured it all out?

There had to be a reason. There had to be a way to help people lose weight and avoid all the diseases and medications that come with it.

I dedicated myself to figuring this out. After countless trial and error and painstaking research I finally created a systematic approach that actually works!

Funny thing is, the solution is not what you think.

How did they do it? Next, I’ll share with you the three biggest mistakes that people make when it comes to losing weight and the simple, proven 4 step system you can use to finally lose weight look years younger!

These are the exact same strategies that I have used to help Thousands of other people over the past 25 years lose weight and finally stop yo-yo dieting for good.

This predictable system is unlike most diets or plans that just focus on what you eat. My system focuses on the fundamentals to naturally restore internal balance. It works on any person regardless of age or gender and is based on proven results!

Two Types of People When It Comes to Losing Weight

Over the years I have noticed that people usually fall into 1 of 2 categories.

Number one I call the Strugglers.

These are people who have tried every diet known to man.

Some have worked, but most never do and they have spent way too much time and money and gotten far too few results to show for it. They are fed up and have nowhere to turn.

Then the second kind of people, I like to call them the “Naturally thin”. These are the people we love to hate…They seem to always be healthy and energized and seem to have no trouble losing weight and keeping it off no matter what they do or eat.

What Is the big difference?

After being in this industry for years and working with thousands of people, I have realized that the Naturally thin have two key things in place while the strugglers don’t.

The truth is, if you have both of these things, It is very easy and predictable to lose weight…

The naturally thin and healthy focus on these 3 basics (whether they realize or not) while the strugglers of the world are trying each new fad they see on TV.

  1. Cleansing the liver, and cells
  2. Healing and restoring the gut
  3. Performing super short, effective exercise (think 15 min 3–4 times per week) no more counting steps!
  4. When you have these 3 working for you, you naturally reboot and heal the body to not only increase fat burning hormones but substantially decreased fat storage hormones which is actually more important!!


Hi, my name is Nora. I came in with the idea of losing about 20 to 25 pounds that I had put on over the years with my work and traveling and due to having some surgery. And when I started the program my role in my job is still to continue to travel. So I had some hesitation about whether I could do this program and still continue to travel, but you can’t. I was very successful at it.

Nora’s Testimonial

Like to do the same? At Platinum Wellness I create custom tailored plans to solve the two biggest issues that most people face when it comes to getting and staying healthy.

#1 Healing your body from the Inside-Out

So you can…

#2 Restore balance to your hormones. Turn on fat burning hormones while turning off fat storing hormones and firing up your metabolism again!

This is the key to long-term sustained weight loss-

Get balanced and healthy as fast as possible!

The side effect is weight loss!

Interested in having your own plan customized? Let’s chat!

Schedule Here

This health strategy session will take around 30 minutes and you will speak with me personally. I’ll be helping you identify where you are now and put together a custom plan for you to get to your desired weight, feel energized and look the best you have in years without fad diets, drugs or endless exercise.

This is for people who:

  • Want to Lose weight and feel amazing.
  • Want to reverse disease and be done with RX pills.
  • Have tried every diet known and don’t know where to turn, but they know they don’t want to give up!
  • Need to feel confident again and set a great example for their children.
  • Understand there is no magic wand and are willing to roll up their sleeves and get it done.

The truth is there are some people that I can’t help. If that’s the case I’ll be 100% upfront with you and suggest someone else or another way that might work better.

I’m only looking for those who are a good fit and who I am certain I can get results for.

Click below and you’ll be able to schedule a time with me to conduct your health strategy session.

At then at the end of the call one of two things will happen:

You’ll either be a fit, And I’ll explain specifically what will it take to get you the results you want.

Or if it’s not a good fit, that is totally ok there will be no hard feelings or obligations and I might suggest a different approach.

Either way, you will receive an insanely valuable health strategy session and will walk away with new found clarity as to what’s holding you back from achieving the results that you want. You’ll also have the exact next steps necessary to take action and start losing now!

I look forward to speaking with you!

Sincerely, Dr. Infantino

Platinum Wellness

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Dr. Anthony Infantino

Dr. Infantino graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, IA in 1992, w/ post-graduate education in functional medicine and clinical nutrition.